Try karaoke in your venue for free.
Updated: September 2022
Black Friday is here, and we're offering you the chance to keep your customers entertained for free this December. Sign up this Black Friday weekend, and we'll give you 10 song credits to use on our automated commercial venue karaoke system.
Attract more customers and increase revenue with an automated, commercial karaoke system with built-in background music and display adverts. No need for old karaoke machines, the solution runs on your laptop using existing equipment.
10 song credits will give you the ability to test the system before you sign up and use it for your first karaoke night.
May 2021
The Covid-19 crisis has been a difficult time for all businesses over the past few months, and it has been especially challenging for the hospitality sector here in the UK.
The crisis unfortunately came at a time when the pub industry was beginning to see a remarkable upturn. In January 2020 the number of pubs rose for the first time in a decade.
Over the past year we have seen remarkable acts of community spirit and one huge positive from this crisis has been the fabulous resolve shown by the great British public. And once pubs, clubs and restaurants begin their journey to reopen, this spirit will be strong within the pubs and clubs across the land. There will undoubtedly be an amazing ‘coming together’.
Take a look at our offer below for previous subscribers and also for new subscribers too. We look forward to partnering with you again very soon.
Steve, Dave & Ben
Co-founders of